Principles to Learn By,
Principles to Live By


We believe that Hapkido should be shared with anyone who will benefit from it or benefit others with it; and that it should not be taught to anyone who would be hurt by it or hurt others with it, regardless of money or position. Too often finance and politics get in the way of progress. For this reason, World Union Hapkido is organized in a way that allows Regional Directors to set fees and requirements in their area that are not prohibitive. World Union Hapkido does not require people to leave another organization to join us. If a person or school is committed to our mission statement and willing to follow our rules, they are welcome.

If you are interested in joining us please contact the regional director closest to you.


Mission and Affiliation Rules of
World Union Hapkido (WUH)

Our mission is to promote Hapkido in its many forms. Both diverse and adaptable, it is our belief that Martial Arts and Hapkido are ideal tools for building a world that is safe, strong and peaceful.

As a federation, we will help explore and develop Hapkido around the world.

Organizational Structure:

World Union Hapkido (WUH) will be composed of Affiliated Organizations and Affiliated Individuals.


1. Affiliates - there are two types of affiliates in the WUH: Affiliate Organizations and Affiliate Individuals.

a. Affiliate Organizations ("Organization" or "School") - An organization of individuals that join the WUH as a group. If an organization joins the WUH, all individuals in the organization are then considered affiliates of the WUH.

b. Individual Affiliates ("Individuals" or "Affiliates") - An individual who joins the WUH, by themselves, not as part of an organization.

2. Levels of Individual Affiliates:

a. Founders - Founding Affiliates will consist of the 7th Degree Black Belts and above in Hapkido who come together to found the WUH. Founders will have the same privileges as Regional Directors. It is also the role of the Founders to direct the development of Hapkido. Founding Members are Jason Mix, Wilfredo Sellas Rodriguez, Susan Mix, Jose Manuel Reyes Pérez, William Mix, Demid Momot, Lucas Mix

b. Regional Directors - Regional Director Affiliates will consist of 5th Degree Black Belts and above in Hapkido who are responsible for a specific geographic area.

Generally, this geographic area will contain a specific group of Organizations and Individuals located within that area. Regional Directors will be expected to present a yearly report of their region including, but not limited to, active instructors, seminars and promotions. Regional Directors will be authorized to use the WUH logo and promotion certificates with no additional fees.

Regional Directors will also direct the development of Hapkido in their region and coordinate with other Regional Directors.

c. Instructor’s Council Affiliates ("IC Affiliates") - Instructor’s Council Affiliates will consist of Black Belt Instructors from WUH Schools that will advise the Regional Directors and Founders. It is the Instructor’s Council Affiliates role to spread Hapkido by studying, practicing and teaching Hapkido.

d. Individual Affiliates ("Affiliates") - Affiliates of the WUH because their Organization joined the WUH or individuals who join the WUH on their own. It is the Individual Affiliates role to preserve Hapkido by studying, practicing and representing the tenets of Hapkido.

3. Rules and Responsibilities:

Founders and Regional Directors will have voting rights. All other Affiliates will act solely in an advisory capacity.

Founders and Regional Directors will be allowed to sponsor new Organizations and Individuals for inclusion in the Federation and will be responsible for presenting them to the group.

Founders and Regional Directors may sponsor new Individuals for inclusion in the Instructor’s Council.

As a group, the Founders and Regional Directors will determine whether to accept new Organizations and/or new Individuals into the WUH. This determination will require a trial period during which the proposed new affiliates will attend seminars or visit Regional Directors.

4. Finances:

Finances for Organizations which are affiliated with the WUH will be independent. Regional Directors solely will be responsible for the collection of all fees in their region and will have sole determination as to how these fees are used. Regional Directors and Affiliate Organizations are responsible for their own finances, costs/expenses, licenses and insurance at their Organizations and at the events they sponsor.

WUH will have no involvement with, or responsibility for, any Affiliate Organization’s finances.

5. Curriculum:

Hapkido Curriculums for each region will be established by Regional Directors. New Organizations can join with their own Curriculum or as Affiliate Organizations using the Curriculum of a Regional Director.

6. Promotions:

Promotions will be overseen by the Regional Director.

a. Colored belt tests and fees will be set by the Affiliate Organizations. These fees will go to the Affiliate Organization, not to the WUH.

b. 1st-3rd Dan tests and fees will be set by the Regional Director. These fees will go to the Regional Director and can be shared with Affiliate Organization Instructors at the Regional Director’s discretion.

c. 4th-6th Dan tests and fees will be set by the Regional Director. These fees will go to the Regional Director and can be shared with Affiliate Organization Instructors at the Regional Director’s discretion. The Regional Director must be at least one Black Belt degree above those promoting. If the Regional Director is not at least one Black Belt degree above those promoting, then they need to be sponsored by another Regional Director or Founder who is at least one Black Belt degree above those promoting.

d. 7th-9th Dan tests and fees are set by the Regional Director. These fees will go to the Regional Director and can be shared with Affiliate Organization Instructors at the Regional Director' s discretion. Certification, at this level, should be witnessed and signed by at least TWO Regional Directors, Founders or a Regional Director and a Founder. Needs based scholarships are always available at the discretion of a Regional Director.

Fees are designed to promote and preserve Hapkido through the WUH.

7. Changes:

Changes to WUH Rules of Conduct and/or Affiliate Structure shall be approved by a unanimous confirmation of the Founders and Regional Directors when possible.

a. In the event that a unanimous decision cannot be reached, changes to the WUH Rules of Conduct and/or Affiliate Structure can be approved by a majority of WUH Directors. In this case, the issue will be passed provisionally but revisited again in six months.

b. After six months, another vote for the provisionally accepted issue will be performed. A second unanimous or majority vote for the change after six months of working with the change provisionally will be considered binding.